About Us
In 2019, Grab The Torch was celebrating our 15th year since our pilot program, we had finished our 11th year and 30th Summer Institute and had completed the development of Cloud Based GTT. Needless to say, we were excited about the future, but COVID-19 hit us like a tsunami. As soon as I thought GTT would recover, another set-back would surface. GTT was at a crossroad, give up or press on. The decision was easy after speaking to alumni. I heard over and over that GTT changed their lives. I did exactly what I, along with all our advisors and speakers taught our students. When you discover your purpose and passion, especially when it impacts the next generation, it’s your responsibility to do your best to help others. GTT is too valuable, onward I went.
I stumbled upon baking during COVID-19. I baked for hundreds of folks, mostly those isolated. I added bagels to my repertoire. The feedback was overwhelming. I felt that a higher power was telling me that a Social Enterprise was a vehicle to keep GTT’s mission alive by using the net operating profit to support Cloud Based GTT, but also a model that could be duplicated across the country using underutilized kitchen space, training apprenticeships and student interns.
Grab The Bagel was born after 18 months of research and development, test marketing and baking thousands of bagels to perfect the ingredients and process. I believe the result is a great bagel. The goal for GTB is to provide you with a great bagel. We don’t need to be the best or the biggest, just one that you enjoy. Remember, it’s more than a bagel. Every purchase, every bite and every repeat order is changing the lives of the next generation. We welcome you into the GTT and GTB family. Enjoy!
I proudly dedicate GTB to Mrs. John Nickerson. My 105 year old godmother that taught me the true meaning of volunteering, philanthropy and unconditional love.